Monday, May 11

Training friends

Since I've started training for this triathlon, I've met a few other people who are doing the same one. Jennifer, who is in my small group from church, is also doing the same event on the same day. We have very different schedules and so far have not been able to train together. But last week when I went to the YMCA to swim some laps, I met a few other people. I had to wait a few minutes for a lane to open up and while I was waiting, I noticed a group of 3 women that looked like that were training for something together. I recognized one of them, sort's hard to tell if you recognize people when they are wearing swim caps. Once I got into the lap next to them I asked them if they were training for an event. They told me they are doing the same triathlon I am! On top of that, one of the women is the very same one who purchased the same bike that I did from the Georgia Cycle Sport. I rode her bike to try it out and see if it fit me well. The reason I recognized one of them is from Boot Camp. They are all Wow Boot Campers so we have a lot of things in common. I'm so glad that I ran into them. I got the e-mail address of one of them so that we can coordinate training and especially to go on bike rides together because there is safety in numbers!

1 comment:

Nick and Christina Brannen said...

I am so glad you met some friends to train with! I miss you so please call me sometime so we can hang out!